Thursday 26 February 2009

A Dire Attempt to Keep Busy!

I originally set up this blog back in November after reading Tiffany’s, which inspired me to post my personal thoughts and experiences as well. Tiffany and I met shortly before our individual departure from sunny San Diego back in September and we connected instantaneously! By November she had jetted off to Dubai and I had driven cross country with my sister, Lisa to Chicago.

Chicago has done nothing but blessed me day in and day out with inspirational and motivational energy beyond belief! And, a certain gentleman, whom I’ll refer to as Grand, has broken through five years of guarded vulnerability. A vulnerability disguised by an independent, blissfully single self and living life on my own terms. I want to share and incorporate my life terms with Mr. Grand, only problem is that his terms are not available. Bitter sweet- I know! but the best way to mend a broken heart and stop chasing Grand ghosts is to sign up for everything! So I have registered for three half-marathons this coming year (I've never ran over 3 miles honestly) and this Monday I embarked on two new business ventures with the introduction to an office downtown. But why stop there, I also took on some community projects AND this blog will fill in the cracks :)

Without further a ‘do…Welcome to Chicago through my eyes and I anticipate that my words will touch, move, and inspire you.

p.s. There is no doubt in my mind that Ms. Tiffany and I shared a past life (Mr. Grand too).

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just LOVE this one....and how funny that we live such parallel lives since I'm doing EXACTLY the same thing...only in a different city, in a different country...

    I know you're gonna ROCK Chicago...and Mr. Grand doesn't know what he's missing (or maybe he does...).

    I sure do!! xoxo

